

Vista Customization-Filter Phase Lookup

Scenario: Looking to restrict the lookup values based on the active status of the Job Phase. Requirements: These steps assume that you own the UD Module. If you don't own the UD Module, you could perform steps 1-4 with a SQL script. Example Solution: Open UD User Defined Lookups formCopy [...]

By |January 16, 2019|0 Comments

Vista Customization-Filter SM Site Lookup

Scenario: Looking to restrict the lookup values based on the active status of the SM Customer Requirements: These steps assume that you own the UD Module. If you don't own the UD Module, you could perform steps 1-4 with a SQL script. Example Solution: Open UD User Defined Lookups formCopy [...]

By |January 14, 2019|0 Comments

Vista Customization- Restrict PO Expense GL Accounts

Scenario: Looking to restrict the valid expense accounts during PO entry to specific accounts. Example Solution: Add a custom validation in UD User Validation In the SQL tab, insert the code found below. Customize code to use your list of acceptable accounts. Press the compile button. In PO Purchase Order [...]

By |November 14, 2018|0 Comments

Vista Customization- AP Entry Fixed Asset Threshold Validation

Custom Validation Example   Below is an example of a custom validation written to validation AP transaction lines coded to Fixed Asset G/L accounts to see if they meet the capitalization threshold.   To create a validation on the GL accounts on AP Trans. Entry or AP Unapproved Trans. Entry [...]

By |October 18, 2018|0 Comments

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